#13 what really happens

#1    You’ll become more mature and independent.

#2    You'll love watching that program you loved as a kid more than your kid does!

#3    Leaving your home country will surely determine all of the ‘friendships’. 

#4    Every time you hear your native language it will make you a little bit nostalgic.

#5    There will be a time when you decide "No more kids, ever!" But it keep changing!

#6    Your room will become your safe place.

#7    You’ll be proud of the decision you made 365 days ago.

#8    You will get messy...very messy...where there are kids there is always mess.

#9    If they are quiet don't trust them.

#10  If they are not quiet, still don't trust them.

#11  You are going to learn the meaning of selflessness. 

#12  Traveling will make it all worth it.

#13  You’ll change.


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